Holistic Nutrition Journey offers a path to a predominately plant-based wellness lifestyle. Providing a Diet Direction and inviting clients to form new healthy habits to integrate into their new lifestyle. By understanding and addressing the client’s unique strengths, challenges, and desires, optimal nutrition and health will be the outcome.
Special $199 for 99 minutes- IN YOUR HOME MEAL PREP
SPECIAL OFFERING. I will come to your home and prepare 3 Plant based meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner) for 3 days in 99 minutes. It’s your option to add in well sourced animal protein to any meal!
What’s cooking?!?!
1). We provide the shopping list and you purchase the groceries.
2). We place the order at Whole Foods (or your preferred market that allows online ordering) and you can pick up or have it delivered to your home.
3). Or “we” go shopping together ($75 for tour/shopping).
4). Or I can shop for you ($75 per hour).
Detox & restore: 4 week $299
Initial Consult 60 minutes
Follow Up (10 days) 45 minutes
Wrap Up 30 minutes
Customized meal plan, recipes, Facebook Private Group Membership (Doesn’t include Supplements & Detox Kit purchased thru Fullscript 15% off with link or Amazon)
Purchase doTERRA: Liver Detox Kit
This kit includes the following products: The Liver Cleanse Program is an all-natural, 6-day plan to cleanse and rejuvenate the liver and gallbladder. This complete program involves following a healthy diet and taking liver-support supplements to stimulate the liver and soften buildup, followed by a flush that will purge toxins from the liver and gallbladder.*
What’s In Your Kit:
Liver Health, 1 Bottle, 2 oz - Cleanses the liver
Turmeric, 1 Bottle, 2 oz -Provides antioxidant support
Oxy-Powder®, 1 Bottle, 60 capsules -Promotes toxin elimination
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 Bottle, 6 oz -Stimulates bile production
Epsom Salt, 1 Packet, 1 tablespoon - Relaxes the bile ducts to help flush the liver
Suggested Use:
Days 1-4: Prep
For the first four days, take 5 ml of Liver Health and 5 ml of Turmeric three times per day between meals. That is a total of 15 ml of Liver Health and 15 ml of Turmeric every day. Take the first serving in the morning, the second in the afternoon, and the last before or after your evening meal. Make sure to take them at least 30 minutes to one hour apart from food. Take 4 capsules of Oxy-Powder in the evening at least two hours after your last meal before bed. During this time, you’ll use all of the Liver Health and Turmeric.
Day 5: Pre-Flush
Morning & Afternoon
The last four days were preparation and you will not take Liver Health, Turmeric, or Oxy-Powder today. Keep your meals light. For best results, eat only fruit today. Stop eating at least two hours before consuming the Epsom salt and olive oil this evening.
Two to three hours before you go to bed, mix the entire packet of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of warm water and drink it immediately. Two hours after taking the Epsom salt, drink the entire bottle of olive oil. Many people find that drinking the olive oil is the most difficult part of this cleanse. Here are a couple suggestions to make it easier:
• Refrigerate for at least four hours prior to ingestion.
• Combine 4 ounces of fresh grapefruit juice or orange juice with olive oil and shake until well mixed.
Day 6: Flush
Take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder immediately upon waking to help your body flush the toxins that were released from your liver and gallbladder during the night. Do not eat for one to two hours after taking Oxy-Powder. You may experience increased urination and loose stools, both of which are a normal part of the cleansing process.* Take it easy and continue to follow the Body Cleansing Diet — consider using this as a starting point to continue to improve your diet and eat healthy after your cleanse. Most importantly, allow yourself time to rest.
*During the flush, you may or may not see waste materials released by your liver and gallbladder. Keep in mind that everyone is different and the results of your cleanse depend on your diet and lifestyle.
Liver Health, Serving Size: 1 ml
Amount Per Serving, Proprietary Blend ... 1ml
Organic Milk Thistle (seed), Organic Reishi Mushroom (fruiting body), Organic Yellow Dock (root), Organic Dandelion (root), Organic Turmeric (root), Organic Ginkgo Biloba (leaf), Organic Chicory (root), Organic Ginger (root), Organic Peppermint (leaf)
Other Ingredients: organic vegetable glycerin, triple distilled water, organic plant essence blend (organic turmeric, organic yarrow, organic hibiscus), energized trace minerals.
Turmeric, Serving Size: 1 ml
Amount Per Serving
Proprietary Blend ... 1ml
Organic Turmeric (Curcuma long, root), Organic Black Pepper (Piper nigrum, fruit)
Other Ingredients: organic vegetable glycerin, triple-distilled biophotonic structured water, energized trace minerals.
Oxy-Powder®, Serving Size: 4 capsules
Amount Per Serving, Magnesium ... 1400mg
(from ozonated magnesium oxides)
Natural Citric Acid ... 90mg
Other Ingredients: vegetable capsule (cellulose), organic gum acacia.
Organic Olive Oil, Serving Size: 1 tbsp (14mL)
Amount Per Serving, Total Fat ... 13g
Saturated Fat ... 1.5g, Trans Fat ... 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat ... 1g
Monounsaturated Fat ... 10g
Sodium ... 0mg
Total Carbohydrates ... 0mg
Protein ... 0g
Other Ingredients: 100& Organic Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Epsom Salt, Serving Size: 1 tbsp (15g)
Amount Per Serving, Magnesium ... 1,479mg
(from USP magnesium sulfate)
Essential Oils 101
Interested in aromatherapy but don’t know where to start? You’ll learn all the basics in this introductory course. 30 minute Live Classes
Week 1 — Introduction to essential oils
Week 2 — Combining essential oils with carrier oils
Week 3 — Oils for the home
Week 4 — Oils for the body
courses $199/each includes continued access to private Facebook group

pantry overhaul
We will come to your home or guide you via video chat to overhaul your pantry with suggested foods. $99
It's time to clean out your pantry and set yourself up for success to make a quick, healthy and easy meal anytime! Having a stocked pantry is key to making healthy eating choices. This is the time to get rid of any food you know is not serving you. (You can always donate to a food bank!)
While cleaning out your pantry keep any glass jars or metal tins. Soak in hot water then take off the labels (you can use lemon oil to get them off) and fill with nuts, seeds, flours, etc.
Here are my basic recommendations for stocking your shelves so healthy meals are only 20 minutes away, anytime. Feel free to add any fresh foods or other items not listed.
GRAINS: Quinoa, rice, oats, (steal cut oats or quick oats), gluten free pasta and noodles. Perishable but handy to have on hand: Squashes, potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, apples, bananas
HEALTHY FATS: Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachio, chia seeds, flax seed, hemp seed, nut & seed butters (or make them yourself!). Olive oil (for dressings) Coconut oil (for everything) Coconut or avocado oil spray (for cooking) Tahini (for dressings)
FLAVOR: Vegetable broth, miso, vinegars: apple cider, balsamic, rice vinegar, fermented foods (pickles/sauerkraut/kimchi), seaweed, tomato paste, condiments: mustards, bbq, tamari or amino acids, hot sauce, salsa
FLOURS: I also recommend Gluten Free. (brown rice, quinoa, chickpea, cornmeal, cassava) protein powder, baking soda and vanilla extract
SPICES: sea salt, black pepper, cayenne, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, cardamom, dill, oregano, garlic powder, parsley, thyme, sage, oregano, turmeric
1) Take EVERYTHING out of your pantry. Trust me, it's quicker and easier to just pull everything out and put everything on the table
2) Make three piles; throw away, donate, and keep. (don’t assume you’re going to keep everything and don't worry too much about tossing full boxes. Your health is more important than the few dollars that you spent.
3) Sort through and group by category: nuts and seeds, grains, pasta, beans and lentils, snacks and convenient foods, baking supplies, supplements and canned goods. Get rid of or donate anything you know is not helping you reach your goals. Especially: Transfats, dyes or coloring agents and LONG ingredient lists with words you can’t pronounce.
4) Deep clean. Vacuum, wipe down, make it sparkle.
5) Get out a notebook and pen. (or print out the pantry list on the next page and cross off what you DO have. Also cross off what you don't like. You will be left with your grocery list.
6) Now put everything back in their categories. I like to have easy access to grains and beans to remind me I DO actually have something for dinner. I also like to have a basket of snacks easily accessible. Ideally, the healthier snacks and less healthy in the back of the cupboard.
coaching Sessions
If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 wellness coaching might be the right step for you. Learn what you can expect in a session or book a free consultation today.